Opening duration: 4:25
- outside lighting is lit with medium level lighting to give the effect of a dark, cloudy morning- creates eeirieness
- when Clarice is first shot in a close up only the key light is used, giving shadow
- when Clarice exits the woods higher level lighting is used, including backlighting to create effect of the day getting lighter- suggests early morning
- inside building Clarice is lit using all lights when facing the camera
- when walking with back towards camera she is just lit from above
- Opens with an extreme long shot that statically shows Clarice's progress uphill- establishes protagonist
- Uses variety of shot sizes from extreme long shots to big close ups- the most commonly used are medium close ups and close ups- draws attention to protagonist
- panning is used throughout to follow Candice's movement
- tracking is used to follow Clarice when she runs through forest, speed varies which varies the size at which Clarice appears in the shot
- Dollying is used to move through the 180 degrees when Clarice scales the climbing wall
- Steady cam is used to track Clarice's movement through the corridoor on the way to the office- small corridoor, tracking empthasizes sense of crampness
- 180 degree rule is broken several times when Clarice is running- we are shown shots of Clarice's back and then the camera cuts to a shot of her face
- camera quickly tracks into Clarice's face when looking at board at office- empthasizes her reaction and suggests something is wrong
- use of eyeline match from Clarice to board- associates protagonist with film's disruption
- diagonal pan of evidence board- close up- allows audience to see disruption in detail
- Setting of woods at winter in the morning-typical thriller setting, creates a sense of foreboding
- Use of fog in woods that Clarice runs through- adds to eeirie atmosphere, slightly gothic
- Costume of Clarice- grey tracksuit, shows she's an active woman, suggests strength
- Make up of sweat on sweatshirt - suggests hard physical exercise- has been training vigorously
- Hair of clarice-scraped back and tied in a ponytail-shows she's a tomboy, practical for workout
- costume of extras- polo shirts and slacks- work uniform- casual, suggests they are in education/ completing training- fits with setting of FBI training centre
- prop- FBI hat - establishes setting, context and explains why Clarice is training
- shot compositon- Clarice is normally positioned in the centre of shots- states her importance to story
- composition of lift shot- Clarice is only woman in lift, surrounded by tall men all in same outfit that is different to hers- suggests her inferiority and hints her lack of experience- lower rank to them
- Facial expression- Clarice looks focused and serious in the majority of shots
- Body language- Clarice walks upright with arms by sides and a slightly confident walk
- Prop- the blackboard in the side office has a mind map on it- suggests a case is trying to be cracked. In top left-hand corner the word "skins" is written in large writing- forshadows what the character will find out about the killer
- Prop of evidence board- sets up disruption
- Setting of training building, clean modern, serious, bulletins boards on walls- suggests lots of activity takes place, well organised
- all transitions are cuts
- first shot is 27 seconds long- establishes character in surroundings
- the majority of shots are over 5 seconds, including several that are over 20 seconds- pace is slow and controlled
- the only time shorter shot durations are used is at the end when Clarice is looking at the evidence board- empathasizes the boards importance and creates atmosphere
- Use of non-diegetic soundtrack- slow tempo and use of string intruments-parallel to on-screen action, as the wood setting is eeirie and this is re-inforced by music
- diegetic sound of running on leaves in wood
- music fades out when Clarice enters building, but starts up again when entering office- reinforces tense atmosphere
Very good - good use of terminology throughout. Shame you cant have more screengrabs to illustrate points you make.