Sunday, 3 February 2013

Charlotte's research task (ROAD TO PERDITION)

  • First shot is an ELS of character (centre composition) - allows audience to see setting
  • Wide shot creates suspense
  • Still camera work to begin (suggests observation) - slowly pans in towards character during voice over - draws audience into the character & makes them ask questions
  • In the next scene the camera pans - following the child on his bike through the town, giving the audience an objective view.
  • First setting is exterior (sea side) - Second setting is exterior also (Travelling through the town in snow)
  • Costumes and Props allow the audience to be submerged in the 1940's creating a sense of realism.
  • Smoking pipe adds to the characterisation of the boy
  • Pathetic fallacy in opening shot - clear empty sky, reflecting boys emotions
  • Title sequence comes first - then straight into sea side shot
  • Title sequence is a simple black screen with white writing - creates supense and gives nothing away
  • Between the sea side shot and the next scene, a fade to white is used - to create a sense of a flashback

  • Silence during title sequence - you can hear a faint foley effect of the sea which gets louder during the sequence
  • No diagetic sounds/music
  • Voice over of a boys voice - audience automatically link the voice and the boy on the screen together - subjective narration
  • As the camera pans into the boy, parallel non-diagetic sound becomes louder -
  • In the next scene the music becomes more dramatic as it pans with the boy cycling.