Thursday, 28 February 2013

Review of tracking shots by Stella

For our piece we wanted a tracking shot of the woods to introduce setting, and to create this we decide to use a heavy weight Dolly .

Review of shots:

We found it difficult to create a smooth tracking shot, as the dolly's wheel would get stuck on debris on the ground, making the shots jerky. Also the uneven surface of the ground meant that a smooth continuous shot was very hard to create.

Here are our dolly attempts below:


We already have tracking shots of the wood planned to feature in between the credit shots of our beginning, so instead of using another  long tracking shot of the woods to establish setting, we experimented with handheld close up panning shots, to give us another option in the editing suite.

Here are Charlie's experimental handheld shots:

Review of shots:

Personally I think these shots are a better way of establishing setting than our initial tracking shot, as the use of handhelds creates the effect of the camera sneaking through the forest, and the use of stark angles make the audience disorientated, which fits our objective of using a restricted narrative. Because of this we will look at using this as an alternative to our tracking shot.

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