Friday, 15 February 2013

Possible viewing contexts by Stella

Student Film Festivals
A good place to show our film would be a student film festival, like London independent film festival
which allows anyone to submit a film for fees as little as £ 45 for a short film. If our film was selected to be shown at the festival, it would give the film good exposure, as film enthusiasts, agents and journalists   are the target audience for this event, so if people liked what they saw, our film would be publicized by word of mouth.


In order for our Film to be seen nationwide, it would need to have a similar budget to Hollywood blockbusters. After doing some research, I discovered that most Hollywood blockbusters cost on average $200 million. A helpful article for seeing where the money is spent on blockbusters can be seen here. Even though we are an amateur film production company, so our director, screen writing and acting fees would be considerably less, a lot of special effects and stunts would be needed to make our film realistic, which would be extremely expensive. Because of this we would not have the money to market our film worldwide. However we could use independent cinemas.

The Duke of York Cinema in Brighton, would be a good place to show our film, as being an independant cinema, it screens a huge variety of different films.

1 comment:

  1. An excellent article that you have found stella - you are really getting the idea of what makes for a good and interesting and interactive blog. Well researched
