Saturday, 2 February 2013

Stella's thriller opening research: Blue Velvet

Certificate: 18
Duration of opening: 2:06


  • set- white picket fence - suggests well-to-do neighborhood- neat- stereotypical prop of well-to-do american towns
  • prop- planted tulips- suggests a friendly society, well kept, people take pride in their homes
  • colour- bright, primary colours-use of blue, red, yellow- suggests happiness, friendliness of town
  • prop- Tv showing a suspense/ thriller film, shows a close up of a gun- hints at film's context
  • body language- fireman waving on fire engine, happy and friendly- cheesy and slightly over the top, makes setting seem too perfect, hints at an underlying sense of sinister
  • set- large house with neat front garden and picket fence- typical 1950's american house, commonly scene in films about 50's america and about well-to-do neighbourhoods- introduces time period
  • prop- car-cadillac- classic car, expensive
  • scenery - house has trees behind- suggests a scenic location, pretty, affluent area
  • Costume- schoolchildren are all wearing smart clothing, suggests affluent, family-orientated area
  • Body language of woman on sofa- arm rested on sofa back-calm, relaxed-suggests a peaceful neighbourhood
  • until the man watering his garden is introduced the angle of the shots alternates between a low angle and eye level- the change of this pattern suggests a disruption
  • shot duration decreases each time during the first five still shots that set the scene- the first shot is 12 seconds long and the last shot of this section is 2 seconds- suggests we are orientating closer and closer to the disruption
  • slow tilt down from sky to flowers- establishes setting and calm atmosphere
  • track through the grass- creates a sense of unknown activity, eerie, creates suspense
  • For the establishing shots medium close ups medium shots and long shots are used-parallel to mellow and calm atmosphere- longer shots are less intense than shorter ones
  • When the man is introduced mainly medium close ups and close ups are used to draw attention to the upcoming disruption, and suggest a building intensity

  • Graphic match of the blue velvet-dissolves in the blue sky over the town- introduces setting
  • dissolves used for establishing shots- parallel to calm content of shots
  • cuts used for garden scene- builds paces and suggests disruption and atmosphere change
  • match on action of man falling to floor

  • song "blue velvet"- links to title and the mellow, happy  feel links to the shot contents- suggests a happy, tranquil neighbourhood
  • song fades out when tracking through grass begins and is replaced by non-diegetic atmospheric folis- create a tense atmosphere, suggest darkness and a sense of foreboding

  • at the begining of the clip, all lights are used, at a high intesity giving effect of a sunny day-creates happy mood
  • on firetruck shot key light and backlight is used, creating a slight shadow, to fit the scenery of a woody road-scenic, rural
  • On the TVshot only key light used- shadowy, fits with Tv programme on screen- thriller, foreshadows darkness of film

1 comment:

  1. As previous comments - great film. Dennis Hooper's character is a very convincing Psychopath!
