Monday, 25 March 2013

Stella's opening title analysis: goodfellas

I was unable to find a clip that just showed the credits so I am analysing this clip from 1:35 -2:03


  • Bold text on a black background, with a similar, if not identical, font to that used in the "Psycho" opening credits.
  • Most of the text is in white, which is bold against the background, but also looks smart, which reflects the characters of the film; gangstas, who are rich and typically wear black tie.
  • The title is in red which links to the previous scene of a murder, and has connotations of bloodshed and death which links to the film's theme and sets up the film's tone.

  • The texts "runs" from one side of the screen and off the other before coming back and remaining stationary.
  • This gives the effect of a car travelling, which re-inforces what has happened in the previous scene, as the film's first clip is of a car travelling down the motorway. This adds to the film's coherency.
  • The use of the song "rags to riches" by Tony Bennet is significant, as the lyric "I know I'd go from rags to riches" basically sums up the story of Henry Hill's life, which the film tells.
  • This implies that money and wealth are significant themes in the film and further enforces the theme gangsterism.

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